New Gay Friday party night
After over 20 years, Steamer Quay is now under new ownership. It has been a long and difficult journey, but we finally took the reins on Monday 16th September 2024, just over a year since we began our initial negotiations.
Four months in...
We are now four months in and we remain completely blown away by how supportive everyone has been!
Adjustment to Opening Times
As we said we would, we have now analysed footfall and are now able to determine the opening times that are popular enough with our customers to make commercial sense. Therefore, our new opening times, with immediate effect, will be as follows:-
Monday and Tuesday - We will remain closed
Wednesday and Thursday - 11:00 - 20:00
Friday - 11:00 - 02:00am
Saturday - 11:00 - 20:00
Saturday Evening - 20:30 - 02:00
Sunday - 11:00 - 23:00
Top Floor
Our new entrance floor is pretty much complete. We have a new cafe area that most days is buzzing with people chatting whilst refreshing with a cold drink, latte or hot chocolate. We will start our food service soon too.
New Play Floor
This is now open. We have some finishing touches to add, such curtains and some adjustments to the lighting as well as a new “cabin” that will be coming soon, but the rest is open and getting well used. Still to do on this floor is the addition of a consultation/treatment room where we can host Eddystone Trust testing sessions and maybe offer a massage service at some point in the future.
We then need to renew the smoking/vaping balcony as this is in desperate need of an overhaul. Whilst we are on this floor we will also renew all of the woodwork in the toilet area. There is dry rot in the floor and beams and it will need some major works to cut out the damaged wood, treat the remaining timbers and renew those that are past saving. If any of our customers have expertise with dry rot or structural engineering please make yourselves known :-)
Once all of this is done, we will move on down to the sauna floor. This probably won’t be until April sometime. More about that to follow.
Confusion around Mixed Events
It appears that there is some confusion around which sessions are mixed (men and women). To be clear from 1st January 2025 every day is gay, gay, gay.... Every Saturday night we hold a swinger event but that is a separate session and doesn't start until 8.30pm.
Our vision is to provide the South West with a friendly, safe meeting place with unrivalled facilities that are open when YOU want to visit. To that purpose, we have extended our premises licence and we have the ability to open continuously from 11am Friday morning, right through to 01:30am Tuesday morning should we choose to do so. Whilst we probably won’t do that regularly, our intention is to trial our new opening hours for a few months to see how well this works for you, our clients.
To read about our new opening hours and the regular events we have planned click here.
We do not intend to get an alcohol license at this time. As long as people are sensible (which they have been so far) we are happy for you to bring your own alcohol. We just ask that you buy your soft drinks and mixers from us. Please note that anyone showing signs of being excessively intoxicated will be denied access or asked to leave. This helps to ensure everyone’s comfort and safety.
Message for other local venues
Our part of Devon seems to be quite the place for adult themed businesses. We are keen to develop good working relationships with our neighbours. There is enough business for all of us and if we work together, we can avoid cross-over of events and promote each other’s venues. Customers like variety and between us we can offer a wide array of facilities and experiences. Please feel free to reach out and let’s begin working together. Thanks to those that have already :-)